When can I expect my academic transcript?
Your final grade for each course will be uploaded to MyEd around six weeks after the assessment period has ended – some marks may appear sooner but they must be formally ratified by exam boards before a final grade can be confirmed.
Official UoE transcripts are then automatically sent to your home institution, in February (Semester 1 students), or in July (Full Year and Semester 2 students), to the address you provided in your application.
When you have completed your semester or year with us, Student Administration will automatically prepare a copy of your transcript for you free of charge. Every transcript has a key to the Edinburgh grading system and recommended equivalencies on the reverse.
You will also be able to access an electronic copy of your transcript through the Electronic Document Service within MyEd --> Accounts --> My Student Record --> Documents.
Instructions on how to access the Electronic Document Service via MyEd is available below:
Please wait until ALL your grades have been published on your student record before accessing your electronic transcript.
More information on ordering a paper or electronic transcript is available on the Student Administration website. Please note that if you applied via a third party study abroad provider or agent, your transcript is issued directly to the agent.