Our Strategy

Our 2021-2026 Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) strategy sets out our priorities and goals for the next five years, and the enablers that will support delivery of these goals. It seeks to adapt our structures and ways of working to new challenges in higher education, and the wider national and international environment.

Our 2021-2026 Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) strategy is informed by five core principles: celebrating the breadth and diversity of our research; enabling research without boundaries; supporting staff in realising ambitious goals; contributing to culture, society and the economy; fostering a strong and inclusive research culture.

The 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF) confirm the outstanding quality and impact of our research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

We are incredibly proud of our research environment score, which achieved a remarkable 100% in the two top categories of world-leading and internationally excellent. This part of the assessment measures the ‘vitality and sustainability’ of the schools and research centres in which research and impact is supported.

We support research collaborations across Schools, mobilising expertise across disciplines to produce new insights and address major societal challenges.

Our 11 Schools cover the spectrum of disciplines in the arts, humanities and social sciences. In addition, we host around 80 Centres and Institutes.

We celebrate the breadth of research approaches, methods and themes across Schools and disciplines, and recognise that this implies the need for diverse forms of support.

We want our research to benefit society, through enhancing knowledge and skills, producing evidence and technologies, and fostering critical reflection and debate.

We are strongly committed to supporting our early career researchers (ECRs) in building the skills, research profile, and contacts they need to establish and consolidate successful research careers.

We support our researchers to adhere to the highest standards of research integrity, and effectively meet the challenges of an increasingly complex research environment.

Much of our research and knowledge exchange activity focuses on addressing global challenges, and we are strongly committed to deepening and extending our international collaborations and partnerships to co-deliver these goals.


Research and Knowledge Exchange strategy 2021-26

Our  strategy document sets out the College's priorities and goals for the next five years.

RKEI strategy 2021-2026 (2.62 MB / PDF)