Research and Schools

An overview of research in Schools within the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences

Business School

The Business School advances knowledge through theoretical and applied discipline-based research. That research is published in top academic journals and creates impact through peer recognition, corporate and community engagement, and the support of student learning.

Read more on the Business School website


The School of Divinity at New College houses a thriving, highly-ranked research community. The School has three strategic priorities in research which are: to promote individual research excellence, to facilitate collaborative and interdisciplinary research, and to support outward engagement. 

Read more on the Divinity website


 In 1800 the University of Edinburgh was the first Anglophone university in the world to teach economics as an independent subject. Two centuries later, economics at the University of Edinburgh is a growing, vibrant department with strengths in several areas of modern economics.

Read more on the Economics website

Edinburgh College of Art

Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) has a vibrant research community reflecting the diverse expertise of its members and the disciplines it brings together. Our strength is in also fostering rich, creative relationships between investigators and across lines of critical inquiry, leading to both depth and breadth of understanding across art, design, culture, architecture, environments, media and music.

Read more on the ECA website

Health in Social Science

The School has identified seven interdisciplinary research themes, which build on the School's existing research strengths.

Read more on the HiSS website

History, Classics and Archaeology

Our diverse and energetic research culture covers many periods, areas, themes and approaches that unite the subjects of Archaeology, Classics and History.

Read more on the History, Classics and Archaeology website


The world-leading quality of our research activities, impact, and research environment makes Edinburgh one of the UK’s best law schools in which to study law and conduct research that makes a difference.

Read more on the Law website

Literatures, Languages and Cultures

There is a wide variety of research centres and networks within the School of Literatures, Languages and Culture.

Read more on the LLC website

Moray House School of Education and Sport

Championing social justice, setting agendas and influencing policy locally and globally through our Education research.

Read more on the Moray House School of Education website

Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

The school of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences offers a unique interdisciplinary environment in which to study the things that make us human: how we communicate, behave, think, and make moral judgements. Our innovative research culture fosters world-leading research across all three of our subject areas.

Read more on the philosophy website

Read more on the psychology website

Read more on the linguistics and English Language

Social and Political Science

Our interdisciplinary structure fosters vibrant research clusters which cut across traditional social scientific boundaries. Many of these are grouped around key challenges in society and governance.

Read more on the SPS website

Explore further

The impact of our research on Arts, Humanities and Social Science: Making a Difference

Our research projects, outputs, activities, and press coverage as included in the UoE repository portal "Edinburgh Research Explorer"