CAHSS Acronyms and Abbreviations

As a University, we frequently shorten terms but this can be quite confusing if you're not used to it! This list includes common abbreviations and acronyms used across the College to help you familiarise yourself with our language.

A-Z of Acronyms and Abbreviations  


ADRC-S: Administrative Data Research Centre for Scotland

AHRC: Arts and Humanities Research Council

AR: Annual Review (see also PDR)

APC: Additional Programme Costs



BAU: Business as usual

BoS: Board of Studies

BoE: Board of Examiners



CAM: Communications and Marketing

CoS: Certificate of Sponsorship

CSE: College of Science and Engineering

CAHSS: College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

CMVM: College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

CAS: Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (Student Visa)

CRC: College Research Committee

CRA: College Recognition Awards



DoT: Director of Teaching

DoL&T: Director of Learning and Teaching

DoPS: Director of Professional Services

DoPT: Director of Postgraduate Teaching (may also be referred to as DPGT)

DUGS: Director of Undergraduate Study/Students

DPC: Degree Programme Convener

DoR: Director of Research

DTP: Doctoral Training Partnership

DRPS: Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study



E&B: Estates and Buildings

ECCI: Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation

ECR: Early Career Researcher

EDI: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

ELT: Extended Leadership Team

ERI: Edinburgh Research and Innovation

ERO: Edinburgh Research Office

EUSA: Edinburgh University Students’ Association

EUCLID: Edinburgh University Complete Lifecycle Integrated Development (student online application system and record hub)



FIA: Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

FOI: Freedom of Information Request



GaSP: Governance and Strategic Planning



HoS: Head of School

HoSA: Head of Subject Area

HR: Human Resources



IAD: Institute for Academic Development

IS: Information Services





KE: Knowledge Exchange



Learn: Main Virtual Learning Environment



MyEd: University Intranet (staff and students)

MSc: Master of Science

MSc (R): Master of Science by Research



NSS: National Student Survey



P&M: People and Money (sometimes referred to as PaM)

PG: Postgraduate

PGT: Postgraduate Taught

PGR: Postgraduate Research

PT: Personal Tutor

PD: Programme Director (Postgraduate Taught)

PTES: Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

PRES: Postgraduate Research Experience Survey

PDR: Performance Development Review (see AR)

PDRA: Post- Doctoral Research Associate

PI: Principal Investigator



QA: Quality Assurance



RA: Research Associate

REF: Research Excellence Framework

RUK: Rest of UK (Students- see also SEU)

RI: Research Institute

RTD: Research Training and Development

RO: Research Organisation

RCUK: UK Research Councils

RSO: Research Support Office or Officer



SPARC: School Policy and Resources Committee

SA: School Administrator

SAR: Subject Access Request

SEU: Scottish/EU (Students- see also RUK)

SMC: School Management Committee

SLT: Senior Leadership Team



TO: Teaching Organisation or Teaching Office



UoE: University of Edinburgh

UG: Undergraduate

UKRI: United Kingdom Research and Innovation



VP: Vice-Principal


Can't find the one you need?

Some Schools and departments may have slight variations of the ones listed here. If in doubt, don't be afraid to ask. Let us know if there are more we can add to this page.

For other commonly used terms, take a look at the glossary of tems used within Higher Education or search the term using the Acronyms and Abbreviations Tool.