Compulsory training

We want you to be as prepared as possible for your new role. We've collated a list of mandatory training courses for all new staff within the College.

All staff

 The table below details  the compulsory training courses for all staff regardless of role.

Title Detail How to book Timeframes for completion
Data protection training

Under the University's Data Protection Policy, all staff have responsibility for data protection compliance in their day-to-day work. To keep up to date with these responsibilities, staff must complete the University's mandatory data protection training module.

Academics conducting research and the research support staff members must also complete the additional module “Data Protection for Research”. 

On People and Money By the end of week 1
Equality and diversity essentials The module outlines definitions such as the different forms of discrimination (direct, indirect etc), what constitutes bullying or harassment, and provides a brief overview on cultural awareness. On People and Money Within the first month
Introduction to Health and Safety A introductory video to Health and Safety within the University and how it is managed. On the Health and Safety Website By the end of week 1
Fire safety All members of staff are required to complete the staff training as part of their induction training and thereafter at least once every 3 years. It is the responsibility of the Head of School/Management Unit to ensure staff complete fire safety awareness training as per this arrangement, to ensure the University meets their statutory obligations in reference to staff training.

The course is available via the Cardinus web-based e-Learning course at: 

Users should log in to the system with their University Log In (formerly EASE) credentials.

Within the first month
Information security training This gives the basics about the most common kinds of attack, and shows how to protect ourselves from them. On People and Money By the end of week 1
Healthy working This course is for regular computer/laptop users and includes full Display Screen Equipment (DSE) risk assessment.

The course is available via the Cardinus web-based e-Learning course at: 

Users should log in to the system with their University Log In (formerly EASE) credentials.

By the end of week 1
Home working This course helps you in setting up your home work area (if you work from home at any time in your working week)

The course is available via the Cardinus web-based e-Learning course at: 

Users should log in to the system with their University Log In (formerly EASE) credentials.

Within the first month
Challenging unconscious bias

This module explores what Unconscious Bias (UB) is, what it means, and how it impacts on the people around us in the workplace.

*This online course is mandatory for staff involved in recruitment and promotion.

On People and Money Within the first 3 months (*if applicable)
Recruitment and selection essentials

The Recruitment and Selection Essentials online training course will provide you with a practical, straightforward framework for recruiting fairly, lawfully and effectively.  Incorporating detailed how-to guides, case studies to explore the practical application of key ideas, along with an 'ask the expert' quick-reference facility will give you the knowledge and skills needed to make the right recruitment decisions.

*This online course is mandatory for staff involved in recruitment and promotion.

On People and Money Within the first 3 months (*if applicable)

Completed your mandatory training?

Make sure to take a look at our Acronyms and Abbreviations page to get familiar with our terms. Once you've done that, it's time to settle in.