About the College

We are a thriving, international community, joined in its commitment to improve and achieve benefit for individuals, communities, societies, and our world. As a global powerhouse for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, we are a destination of choice for students and staff who are curious and want to better understand our complex and changing world. Providing first class teaching and high-quality research is at our core.

CAHSS by numbers: our schools, subject areas, world rankings, people and research. (Figures accurate as of 2024)

We are one of three academic Colleges at the University of Edinburgh, with more than 4,000 staff and around 28,000 students from 150 different countries.

We support 11 academic Schools, the cross-University Centre for Open Learning, the Edinburgh Futures Institute and the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities.

Contact details for staff in our College, grouped by School and College Office teams to make it easier for you to find who you are looking for.

A range of staff information and resources are accessible on our CAHSS intranet (University login required).

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