Each academic year , the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences has hosted a series of inaugural lectures given by newly-created professors around the College. These lectures are an important part of life at the University of Edinburgh and the speakers give an illuminating overview of their contribution to their field.Attendance is free and members of the public, staff and students are all welcome. Inaugural Lecture: Professor David SilkenatInaugural Lecture: Professor David Silkenat03 Apr 2024 (17.15 - 18.30)The School is delighted to announce the inaugural lecture of Professor David Silkenat, Professor of History - “Two detectives against the Klan: Or, the American fight against white supremacy during reconstruction and after". Find the venue Further information Inaugural Lecture: Professor Simon Bell The role of landscape in supporting human health and wellbeing: what is this and how does it work? Inaugural Lecture: Professor Shannon Vallor In a Mirror, Dimly: Why AI Can’t Tell Our Stories, and Why We Must Inaugural Lecture: Professor Claudia Hopkins The Alhambra in Franco’s Spain around 1950 Professor Luca Taschini's Inaugural Lecture Join us at the University of Edinburgh Business School for Luca Taschini's Inaugural Lecture: Make it work - The Evolution of Carbon Pricing Policies Inaugural Lecture by Professor Richard Anderson How Architects make History: El Lisitzky Multiplies Inaugural Lecture by Professor Elaine Kelly Sounds of Socialist Solidarity: Musical Relations between the German Democratic Republic and the Postcolonial World Professor Paul Crosthwaite gives his Inaugural Lecture, 'What are the Economic Humanities? A Short Guide to an Interdisciplinary Field' Join us for 'What are the Economic Humanities? A Short Guide to an Interdisciplinary Field', an Inaugural Lecture celebrating the appointment of Paul Crosthwaite as Professor of Modern and Contemporary Literature. Inaugural Lecture by Professor John Brennan Sustaining Rural Architecture: Learning from landscape and community Archive Details of previous lectures, including lecture abstracts, can be found here in our archive section. Contact For further information please contact : louise.trotter@ed.ac.uk This article was published on 2024-08-28