Professor Mohammed Arkoun gave a Gifford lecture entitled 'Inaugurating a Critique of Islamic Reason' Image Event details Lecture Series Theme: Inaugurating a Critique of Islamic Reason Dates: 29, 31 October, 1 November 2001 Biography A leading contemporary Muslim intellectual and Professor (Emeritus) of Islamic Thought at the Sorbonne, Paris III, Mohammed Arkoun is a Governor and Senior Research Fellow at The Institute of Ismaili Studies, a jury member of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, and editor of Arabica. He is the author of numerous books in French, English and Arabic, including Aspects de la pensée Musulmane classique (Paris, 1963), L'ethique Musulmane d'après Mawardi (Paris, 1964), L'humanisme Arabe au IVe/Xe siècle (Paris, 1982) 2nd edn, Lectures du Coran (Paris, 1982), Pour une critique de la raison Islamique (Paris, 1984), L'Islam, morale et politique (Paris, 1986), Arab Thought (New Delhi, 1988), La pensée Arabe (Paris, 1991) 4th edn, and Rethinking Islam (Boulder, Col., 1994). His shorter studies have appeared in many academic journals and his works have been translated into several languages. Professor Arkoun was invited to lecture to members and staff of the United States Congress, just prior to delivering his Gifford Lectures. This article was published on 2024-08-28