Inaugural Lectures 2010-2011

Details of the 2010-2011 Inaugural Lectures.

All lectures take place at 5.15pm unless otherwise stated.

Date and venue Speaker Lecture title Further information
16 September 2010, 2pm - Assembly Hall, New College Brian Stanley: Professor of World Christianity (Divinity) "Edinburgh and World Christianity" Lecture abstract and video
19 October 2010 - Lecture Theatre 5, Appleton Tower Maia Guell: John Sinclair Chair of Economics; Jose Rodriguez Mora: Dugald Stewart Chair of Economics "Intergenerational Mobility and the Informational Content of Surnames" Lecture abstract
23 November 2010 - Lecture Theatre 5, Appleton Tower Professor Timothy Bates: Personal Chair of Individual Differences in Psychology (PPLS) "What Twins, Genes, and Bodies tell us about Dyslexia, Coalitions, Architecture and Happiness" Lecture abstract and video
14 December 2010 - Lecture Theatre 183, Old College James Smith: Chair of African and Development Studies (SPS) "Can the Future Make Poverty History? The Promise of Science for International Development" Lecture abstract and video
25 January 2011 - Lecture Theatre 5, Appleton Tower Professor Richard Williams: Chair in Contemporary Visual Culture (ECA) "Globalisation's Spectacular Ruins" Lecture abstract and video
8 February 2011 - Lecture Theatre 5, Appleton Tower Jake Ansell: Professor of Risk Management (Business) "Myth and Risk" Lecture abstract and video
8 March 2011 - Lecture Theatre 5, Appleton Tower Professor Stephen Cairns (ECA) "The Architect Designs Everything from the Spoon to the City, and Other Urban Myths" Lecture abstract and video
15 March 2011 - Lecture Theatre 5, Appleton Tower Professor Andrew Erskine: Chair in Ancient History (HCA) "Roman Power, Greek Reaction" Lecture abstract and video
22 March 2011 - Lecture Theatre 5, Appleton Tower Professor Simon Kirby: Personal Chair in Language Evolution (PPLS) "The Language Organism: evolution, culture, and what it means to be human" Lecture abstract and video
3 May 2011 - Lecture Theatre 183, Old College Professor Clive Bonsall: Personal Chair of Early Prehistory (ECA) Farmers, Floods & River Gods: What happened at the Iron Gates of the Danube between 6300 & 6000 BC? Lecture abstract and video
10 May 2011 - Lecture Theatre 183, Old College Professor David Howarth: Personal Chair of Baroque Art (ECA) "Rubens and the Art of Friendship" Lecture abstract and video