Inaugural lecture by Professor Tony Lynch, 16 May 2012. Event detailsLecture title: "The Importance of Listening to International Students"Date: 16 May 2012, 5.15pmVenue: Auditorium lecture theatre, Business SchoolLecture abstractThe title is intentionally ambiguous. It refers firstly to the importance for international students of having adequate comprehension of spoken English; and it also alludes to the importance for the University of taking account of international students’ perceptions of studying at Edinburgh.In the lecture I will be addressing both these issues. In the first part I will draw on my research into the experience of second language listeners, in order to outline the processes underlying comprehension, the problems likely to arise, and possible solutions to those difficulties.In the second part of the lecture I will discuss postgraduates’ responses to an ELTC survey on linguistic and cultural aspects of studying at Edinburgh. I will argue that relatively minor adjustments by and for international students would help smooth their path to academic success.Lecture video This article was published on 2024-08-28