Professor Vernon Gayle

Details of Professor Vernon Gayle's inaugural lecture.

Event details

Lecture title: "The Research Value of Longitudinal Social Science Surveys - Past, Present and Future"

Date: 21 February 2014

Directly before the lecture there will be a screening of part of the award winning television documentary The Up Series.

Video: 4pm-5pm

Lecture: 5.15pm

Venue: Teviot Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG

Lecture abstract

The UK has built up an impressive portfolio of longitudinal social science surveys. These surveys collect data from multiple repeated contacts with individuals and households often over many years. Therefore they are indispensable for studying both social change and social stability. In this lecture I shall deliver an accessible, non-technical introduction to some of the concepts associated with longitudinal social science data. I shall highlight some existing datasets and comment on their research value. The lecture will conclude with my vision of how the future landscape of longitudinal social science research should optimally unfold.

Directly before the lecture there will be a screening of part of the award winning television documentary The Up Series.

Lecture video

There is no video available for this inaugural lecture.