A magical animated film from an Edinburgh College of Art student is the latest video from award-winning band Bombay Bicycle Club. The group commissioned Anna Ginsburg, a fourth year student, to create a dream-like video for their latest single, 'How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep'. Ginsburg started making films only two years ago. For this video she listened to the song 25 times a day for four months. The video follows a puppet who dreams of galloping across the universe, scaling ladders that reach to the heavens, paddling through lunar oceans, and encountering stellar jellyfish. The three minute video took six months to make. One shot, featuring the unravelling of a quilt made of 300 tiny cotton triangles, took over one month to set up. She had one take to get it right. At one stage she worked 16 hour days for one second of film. 'How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep' is from Bombay Bicycle Club’s third album, 'A Different Kind of Fix'. The band was nominated for an Ivor Novello award in 2011. They commissioned Ginsburg to do the animated video because they wanted “something you couldn’t do with live action”. Ginsburg is a school friend of the band’s bassist, Ed Nash. Related links How Can you Swallow So Much Sleep video Publication date 15 Oct, 2015