An animated documentary created at the University that unravels the mysteries of DNA has received its world premiere at a prestigious American film festival. Simply Complex was made by Edinburgh College of Art graduate Cameron Duguid as part of an artistic residency at the University’s ESRC Genomics Forum. The nine-minute film, which gives a stop-motion insight into the molecular world of DNA and the genome, debuted at the Imagine Science Film Festival in New York on 13 October 2013. The film explores how the genome’s complexity goes hand in hand with the technology to understand it. For example, what can now fit on a memory stick would once have been too much for a tower of computers. The human genome project took 13 years and $2.7bn, yet now a full genome sequence can now be done in 2 days, for a millionth of the cost. The Forum commissioned Duguid, who has created several science based films, to produce a documentary on genomics and societal themes as part of its Creative Space initiative. The film is one of the legacies of the ESRC Genomics Forum, which came to an end in June 2013. The Forum was established in 2004 to develop links between social scientists and scientists working across the entire range of genomic science and technology. Related links Imagine Science Film Festival Genomics Network Publication date 15 Oct, 2015