Dr Sarah Morton is in Washington DC as a guest of the William T Grant Foundation to take part in an international exchange with agencies involved in policy-making in the US.
William T Grant Foundation (external link)
At the White House event on Friday 22 April she will discuss how President Obama’s administration has promoted the use of evidence.
She will also meet with agencies including WestEd and the Arnold Foundation about how academic research is used in practice.
The Arnold Foundation (external link)
I am particularly excited to get this opportunity for frank discussion with those responsible for developing the research use agenda in US policy-making. It will be fascinating to compare with similar conversations I have had with the Scottish Government and Ontario Provincial Government.
Dr Sarah Morton
Dr Morton is Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, What Works Scotland, and Director of Knowledge Exchange and Impact for the Usher Institute.
Centre for Research on Families and Relationships
What Works Scotland (external link)
The Usher Institute (external link)
She is also an associate editor of the journal Evidence and Policy.