Me and Granny are Learning Spanish

What happens when we learn a language and does speaking two affect how our brains develop and age? Is it too late for those of us who only speak English? Prof. Antonella Sorace and Dr Thomas Bak (PPLS) will take you on the journey of a language learner’s brain, from infancy to old age, sharing what language-learning can do for us. They will be joined by zoologist and lifelong monolingual Prof. Aubrey Manning and Louise Glen from Education Scotland to discuss language policy and the public health and social side-effects of a national shortage of language skills.

Me and Granny are Learning Spanish: is it ever too late to learn a second language?

What happens when we learn a language and does speaking two affect how our brains develop and age? Is it too late for those of us who only speak English? Prof. Antonella Sorace and Dr Thomas Bak (PPLS) will take you on the journey of a language learner’s brain, from infancy to old age, sharing what language-learning can do for us. They will be joined by zoologist and lifelong monolingual Prof. Aubrey Manning and Louise Glen from Education Scotland to discuss language policy and the public health and social side-effects of a national shortage of language skills.

Wednesday 15 April 2015, 8.00pm

Wednesday 15 April 2015, 9.30pm

Main Hall, Summerhall

Book tickets for Me and Granny are Learning Spanish on the site of the Edinburgh International Science Festival