Achievements celebrated in colleague awards

The winners of the 2020 CAHSS Colleague Recognition Awards have been announced at a virtual awards ceremony.

The Colleague Recognition Awards celebrate and showcase the hard work and achievements of staff from across the College.

The ceremony, hosted by Dorothy Miell, Head of College, saw winners announced for each of the nine categories. Winners will receive a certificate and restaurant voucher, as well as a trophy designed by MFA Glass student, Marianne le Gallo of Edinburgh College of Art.

Celebrating the everyday efforts of our staff in this way helps us to build the positive, inspiring working culture of which staff, students and alumni can feel proud. These awards are particularly special as they show how colleagues in this University feel about each other. It is hugely encouraging to witness the warmth and respect with which our staff regard their colleagues.

Professor Dorothy Miell
Vice-Principal and Head of CAHSS

Overwhelming response

Nominations for the awards opened in January and received an overwhelming response, with over 550 nominations.

The standard of nominations was exceptionally high and we would like to thank everyone who took the time to recognise the hard work and dedication of their colleagues and nominate them.

The winners were chosen by a panel of colleagues from across the college. Our special thanks to the 2020 judges:

  • Jeremy Crang – Dean of Students
  • Sabine Rolle – Dean of UG Education
  • Jeremy Robbins – School of Literature, Languages and Cultures
  • Ann Hunter – University of Edinburgh Business School
  • Nasar Meer – School of Social and Political Science
  • Kate McHugh – Centre for Open Learning
  • Nikki Moran – Edinburgh College of Art
  • Claudio Michelon – School of Law
  • Davies Banda – Moray House School of Education and Sport
  • Dorothy Miell – Head of College

We are thrilled to announce the Winners of the 2020 CAHSS Colleague Recognition Awards are:

Inspiring Colleague:

Fiona Carmichael (LLC) – Winner

“Fiona is the most generous, selfless person I have ever had the pleasure to work with. No problem is too big for Fiona, she is like Mary Poppins and she is the spoon full of sugar which makes working with her so wonderful”. 

Remi Jankeviciute (ECA) – Highly commended

 “Remi is a completely dedicated Team Leader who will go the extra mile and is always inspirational and motivating. I feel deeply honoured to be working with such an amazing colleague and human being.” 

Susan Manning Award for Inspiring Mentor: 

Fiona Mackay (SPS) – Winner

“Once Fiona takes you under her wing she is unfailingly generous with her time and support. Through her calm, consistent and nurturing support she inspires each of us to pay it forward to our own colleagues and students.”   

Alexandra Braun (Law) – Highly commended

 “She is continually supportive and encouraging of colleagues, in particular early career staff.  She has fostered a research environment in which all academic staff can access the resources and expertise of the research office.”   

Leader of Innovation and Change:

Gillian Richardson (MHSES) – Winner

Personable, driven, innovative and above all, an inspiration to all she works with. She never undermines, patronises or belittles others. She has vision, drive and an unparalleled ability to bringing people along with her - listening and understanding the views of others.”

Vicky Swann (HCA) – Highly commended

“She is also absolutely delightful to work with, positive, friendly, and caring, going out of her way to look out for her colleagues, and very deserving of this award.”

Outstanding Team

UG Teaching Office (PPLS) – Winner

“The team is active in thinking ahead on how they can improve on practice and procedure. The team deserves recognition for all their hard work, past and ongoing, and for absolute commitment to further improve the service provided to the school, its students and academics.”

Pre-award Team, Research Office (SPS) – Winner

“Since the start of the 2019 financial year, the Pre-Award team has submitted over 257 research grant applications, 85 of which have been successfully funded so far at £14.5M! This achievement is an abnormally high success rate for any academic institution.”

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Andy Thompson (SPS) – Winner

“Andy is modest and always keen to credit all the staff and students who collectively have helped make advances in EDI, but we are clear that Andy’s leadership has been fundamental to the progress achieved within the School.”

Celeste-Marie Bernier (LLC) – Highly commended

“Celeste is an awe-inspiring colleague who has worked so hard, in what is often a thankless task, and brought so much intelligence and care to the idea of EDI that she has transformed the possibilities. Celeste breaks the mould when it comes to academic kindness and collegiality.”

Community Impact:

Oliver Escobar (SPS) – Winner

“He places ordinary communities at the heart of policymaking and gives them discussion tools to deliberate on some of Scotland’s most pressing concerns. His approach to public engagement contributes to a deeper understanding of democratic politics, never more important than in our current polarised times.”

Tracey Fearnehough (ECA) – Highly commended

“Tracey collaborates on many projects that have clear and positive impact both on external communities as the film student community. Tracey has designed and taught innovative courses which encouraged students to engage with external partners.”

Excellent Newcomer:

Andrew Bell (UEBS) – Winner

“Andrew is doing a brilliant job; he comes up with great innovative ideas, and is superb at bringing others on board to ensure that these can be delivered successfully.  He doesn’t do this by directing or instructing, but his enthusiasm and energy is such that colleagues want to be involved and contribute.”

Emma Donovan (HCA) – Highly commended

“She is wise beyond her years, kind and respectful in her dealings with others, and a genuine pleasure to work alongside. I hope she has a long and happy career at the University of Edinburgh.” 

Dean of Students Award for Contribution to Student Experience:

Christine Lennie (LLC) – Winner

“She not only looks after a highly dedicated team of people providing frontline services to a (very, very large!) undergraduate and postgraduate cohort, but personally sees and supports many students every day. She is considered, compassionate, and cares oh so very much.”

Eli Appleby-Donald (ECA) – Highly commended

“She is inventive, dogged, endlessly enthusiastic, and solutions-driven to the last. Our students, School and College are all the richer for Eli’s fierce and imaginative contributions to teaching and learning.”

Head of College Award for Exceptional Service

Sarah Cooper (UEBS) – Winner

Sarah excels at contributing to the community in ways that are not always visible. She never hesitates to volunteer for College and University initiatives. She also spends considerable time mentoring and advising colleagues within the School. And all this is wrapped in a cheerful disposition.”

Sue Coleman (HCA) – Highly commended

“Her leadership of provision of tailored and responsive support at HCA is encouraging people to think differently, both about funded research, and the opportunities presented by academic and professional services staff working closely together on shared projects.”

If you were not able to join the live event, the recording has been made available on Media Hopper by clicking Colleague Recognition Awards - Live Show

Congratulations to all our finalists and winners!

Colleague Recognition Awards