Experts based in Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) have been working with the city council to collect residents’ views on the introduction of so-called parklets.
Responses could help to inform the local authority on whether there is scope to roll them out and to determine the project’s next steps.
Council transport and environment convener Scott Arthur says the scheme is “something worth considering” but added effective and regular maintenance would be key to its success.
Public spaces
Parklets are usually created by converting one or two on-street parking bays into a small public space with installation of temporary structures, seating areas, plants and cycle parking.
Some have already been introduced in cities including London and Leeds. The survey describes them as “small community gathering space for people to stop, relax, and socialise”.
Other potential features for kerbside parklets include play areas for children, exercise bikes and performance spaces.
Researchers based in ECA’s OPENspace Research Centre are expected to make their survey findings known to councillors by 31 May.
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Photo © Humphrey Bolton (cc-by-sa/2.0