Decision making

Details of College decision-making processes for student casework and more complex cases.

The College Office makes decisions on student cases in accordance with University and College regulations, policies and codes.

Student casework

Casework generally relates to the academic progress or behaviour of students, and includes the following procedures:

  • Authorised Interruptions of Studies (AIS)
  • concessions
  • extensions and repeat years
  • academic misconduct (plagiarism, collusion, etc.)
  • Fitness to Practise
  • exclusions and withdrawals

Casework is handled by College Deans with the support of the staff of the Academic Administration Office.

Complex cases

Cases are reviewed by the College Office where particularly sensitive and complex cases are escalated to the Deans’ Executive, who will discuss the situation and implications in detail. This discussion takes place with reference to relevant University regulations, codes and policies. The Deans' Executive will then agree on the most appropriate way forward. 

Deans' Executive

The Deans’ Executive can be composed of any of the College’s Deans who are responsible for learning, teaching and student research, along with senior administrative staff and administrative support.

To be quorate, the Deans’ Executive must include at least two Deans , plus at least one senior administrative colleague from the Academic Administration Office.

Administrative support is provided by Academic Administration Office staff. They note the decision and communicate the outcome to the School and/or the student.

For further information

Please contact Rachael Quirk


Rachael Quirk

Head of Taught Student Administration & Support

  • College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Contact details