The College Taught Student Administration and Support

This team leads on the coordination of guidance for all matters relating to on-programme administration for all UG and PG taught students across the College. Our team works closely with the College’s Dean of Education, Dean of Students, Dean of Quality Assurance and the College Academic Misconduct Officer (CAMO) to provide assistance and support to schools across the areas of student progression, administration and wellbeing.

The College Taught Student Administration and Support team

In most cases, you won’t have any direct communication with our team as you will receive support and advice directly from your school. However, schools may contact our team on your behalf if your programme requires a variation, or if a particular situation needs to be escalated via a University policy or regulation. In these cases, we may reach out to you directly.

We support schools – and students, where relevant – with the following procedures:

  • Academic Misconduct – serious cases of plagiarism, collusion etc. are referred from schools to the College Academic Misconduct Officer for further investigation
  • Boards of Examiners – we provide guidance on general application of the Taught Assessment regulations as well as particular complex situations that arise
  • Concessions – Concessions are variations to your degree progression, including programme extensions and repeat years which require approval from the College Deans
  • Exclusion from the University – The Dean of Education will normally look to meet with any student at risk of exclusion from the University
  • Fitness to Practice – Some programmes are subject to Fitness to Practise requirements if during the programme students undertake professional placements where they practise in relation to patients, children, clients or service-users, and / or where the qualification leads to eligibility for a license to practise. Students should consult their school or their Programme Handbook for information about Fitness to Practise in relation to their particular programme in the first instance.
  • Support for Study – The Support for Study Policy outlines the University’s approach to supporting students who may be struggling with their studies due to health issues.
  • Student Attendance and Engagement Monitoring – expectations for attendance and engagement will be communicated to you by your school.
  • Study Abroad Progression (for those doing optional study abroad)


If your School refers a particularly complex situation to our team, this will be escalated to our College Deans’ Executive. The Deans’ Executive is a sub-group of the College Education Committee, with responsibility for approving concessions for taught programmes, and for providing high-level advice to schools. The group is composed of the College Deans, along with senior administrative staff. The Deans’ Executive considers each case on its merits, with reference to relevant University regulations, codes and policies. Once an appropriate outcome has been agreed, this is communicated back to your School who will then discuss it with you further.