Competition for places on your chosen degree programme was extremely high

Due to the high level of competition for places, we are not able to make offers to all applicants.

We receive an extremely high number of applications per place each year. We have seen a significant increase in the number of applicants who have achieved, or are predicted to achieve, top grades.

Due to the high number of applicants who have achieved, or who are predicted to achieve the top of our standard entry requirements, we are not able to make offers to all as only a limited number of places are available.

All applicants who have met, or are on track to meet, our entry requirements are considered; however, it is not uncommon for applicants to require a perfect, or near perfect, academic profile in order to receive an offer. In high demand subject areas, it may have been necessary for us to select and make offers to those with grades above the top of the published range.  

The top of our standard range is set at a level where, in previous years, offers have been made. However, as our entry requirements are published more than a year before selection takes place, it cannot take account of changes in competition levels when applications are received.  Regrettably, this often means that we have to turn away many academically talented students. 

For further information please see our Admissions Statistics where you can find a breakdown of applications and offers per subject area. 

Admissions Statistics

In considering an application we recognise that not all applicants have an equal chance to demonstrate their potential and so we also take a number of additional factors into consideration to set academic achievement in context.

Information on contextual admissions